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for you
Are you looking to diversify your income and build extra wealth through real estate investing? Investing in real estate continuously proves over time to be one of the best investment options out there. While home prices may fluctuate up and down from year to year, the overall value goes up over the long term.
Hustle & Heart Real Estate Investing Inc. works with both new and experienced investors who are looking to build their real estate portfolio while changing the lives of deserving Ontario families along the way. Contact us today to learn more about the advantages of investing in real estate.
Multifamily Apartments
Builds long term wealth*
Ability to scale/increase your portfolio quickly
Strong monthly cashflow*
Competitive return on investment*
Multifamily apartments remain incredibly stable in economic downturns
Endless tax benefits through cost segregation and depreciation to minimize tax liability and keep more money in your pocket or to reinvest
*read our legal disclaimer here
Rent To Own
​Short-term strategy in and out in 2-4 years.
Gives investors both passive and earned income​*​
Exceptional monthly cashflow*
Competitive return on investment*
Rewarding and fulfilling when you help families finally achieve their dream of homeownership
No dealing with fixing toilets or other property management tasks because the Tenant Buyers are responsible for maintaining their home
*read our legal disclaimer here
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